One Pan Caprese Chicken – fresh flavors come together in this healthy meal of tender chicken breast, ripe blistered tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, and basil....
Greek Quinoa Salad with Chickpeas – a hearty, protein-rich, vegetarian salad with classic Greek flavors and a simple vinaigrette. Perfect for meal prep, as...
Instant Pot Chipotle Chicken – this copycat chipotle chicken recipe is sure to become a family favorite! Tender and juicy chicken with bold flavors,...
Island Green Tropical Smoothie (Copycat Recipe)- this refreshing dairy free detox smoothie is loaded with powerhouse ingredients and nutrients, but tastes like a sweet...
Hi, I'm Nikki, the writer and recipe developer here at Tastythin. I'm also a busy Mom, author, and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner who loves food and feeding my family well with zero fuss. Thanks for stopping by!